RESEARCH THEME 4: Effects on Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity

Project title: CLIMEX, a climatic change experiment
Researchers: W. Arp \ F. Berendse (TO&N)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1994-1997

Project title: Long-term dynamics of nutrient-poor ecosystems: effects of climate and air pollution
Researchers: F. Berendse \ J. Bokdam \ A. Masselink (TO&N)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1994-1998

Project title: The effects of herbivory upon competition between plants at different levels of nitrogen and CO2 supply
Researchers: J.E.M. van Mierlo \ F. Berendse (TO&N)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1994-1999

Project title: CANIF, carbon and nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems as affected by climate change
Researchers: H. van Oene \ F. Berendse (TO&N)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1996-1998

Project title: Assessment of long-term effects of climate change on biodiversity and vulnerability of terrestrial ecosystems
Researchers: M.A. van Staalduinen \ H. van Oene \ F. Berendse (TO&N)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1996-1998

Project title: The effects of climate change upon bog ecosystems in Western Europe: interactions between sphagnum and vascular plant species
Researchers: M. Heijmans \ F. Berendse \ N. van Breemen (TO&N)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1996-2000

Project title: Selection and use of bio-indicators to assess landscape-ecological effects of climate change
Researchers: R.S. de Groot / A.J.H. van Vliet (CMKW)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1993-1998

Project title: Variability of fluvial sediment composition in different time scales: assessing the impact of climate change
Researchers: L. Tebbens \ S.B. Kroonenberg (B&G)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1993-1998

Project title: Sea level rise in the Wolga delta
Researchers: Tarusova / Kroonenberg (B&G)
Organization: WIMEK
Start/End: 1993-1997

Project title: Effecten van zeespiegelrijzing op sedimenthuishouding en vegetatie van kwelders
Researchers: N.Dankers
Organization: Alterra
Start/End: 1995-1998??

Project title: Modelling the effects of climate change on the ecosystem of the Wadden sea
Researchers: A.G. Brinkman
Organization: Alterra
Start/End: 1995-1998??

Project title: Kwetsbaarheid van beek-ecosystemen voor door klimaatverandering veroorzaakte wijzigingen in de hydrologie van het stroomgebied

Researchers: P.F. Verdonschot
Organization: Alterra

Project title: "General" (Alterra)
- EU-Environment ERB-EV5V CT94-0468 (LTEEF)
- Effects of global changes on forest dynamics
- Carbon budgets of forest ecosystems
Organization: Alterra
Start/End: 1995-1998??

Project title: Climate change and the vulnerability of small natural riverine systems
Researchers: P. van Walsum
Organization: Alterra

Project title: Crop-weed interactions (Orobanche)
Researchers: Neuteboom / Kropff / Lantinga (Agr.)
Organization: PE & RC
Start/End: 1985-1997

Project title: Rainfall induced erosion under semi-arid conditions
Researchers: Pedroso de Lima / Bogardi (WHH)
Organization: IUSHW
Start/End: 1990-1998

Project title: Flows in geologically contrasting catchments
Researchers: Van Lanen / Dijksma (WHH)
Organization: IUSHW
Start/End: 1991-1998

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