Chinese delegation visits CCB
At 14 december 2004 a Chinese delegation from the Tsinghua University and the Chinese Agenda 21 Bureau (ACCA 21) visited CCB Wageningen UR. It was a high-ranking delegation of Chinese climate change and adaptation experts, who were on a study tour allong the main Climate Change Knowledge Centres in Europe. At Wageningen UR the following topics were discussed:

1. Welcome (Prof.Dr. Wim Cofino) (15 mins)

2. Overview of activities within CCB Wageningen UR on climate change (Jeroen Veraart) (15 mins)

3. Research about landuse-bound Greenhouse Gas emissions (Ronald Hutjes) (20 mins)

4. Climate change and impacts on nature, de Natuurkalender (Arnold van Vliet & Dick Groenendijk) (20 mins)

5. Climate Change and adaptation (water management, Paul van Walsum) (20 mins)

6. Discussion (30 mins):

  • Discussion of the European experience in Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures
  • Exchange views and experiences
  • brainstorm about future long-term institutional partnerships
  • If you are interested in a hardcopy of one of the publications, please contact Ann-Marie Ryan:
    Tel.: 0317-(4)74713
    Email: Ann-Marie Ryan


    Article about the model SIMGRO (water managment)

    Article about Dutch water management in 21st century (provided by Eric Querner)

    Spatial planning for lowland-stream basins using a bioeconomic model (provided by Paul van Walsum)

    Spatial planning and adaptation in watermanagement(provided by Paul van Walsum)

    Effects of climate change and land use on brook ecosystems (provided by Paul van Walsum)

    To homepage Wageningen UR